Ministry Description

The Brook’s Safety Team is an assertive, dedicated, and caring ministry of both men and women who dutifully monitor and secure The Brook campus during worship services and events. We work closely with other Experience Team ministries to ensure that all our members, visitors, and families can worship together safely. If you are naturally protective, discerning, and faithful, and you love working with a team with a unified purpose, then look no further. The Brook Safety Team is the place for you!

This volunteer position does require a criminal background check.

  • Spiritual Gifts – Exhortation, Serving
  • Talents/Abilities – Alert; A spirit of discernment;  Familiar with church facilities; Not easily intimidated
  • Best Personality Trait – Dependable, Serious, Level-headed
  • Passions – The welfare and safety of others
  • Length of Service Commitment – One year minimum
  • Anticipated Time Commitments
    • Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: Two hours a week; more during special events
    • Participating in meetings/training: As needed
  • Responsibilities/Duties
    • Patrol church building and property during regular church services and major functions.
    • Report any incidents to proper authorities. Write a report of any related facts.
    • Greet strangers on the property and offer assistance: “May I help you find your way? Is there someone I could help you find? May I assist you with anything?”
    • Discreetly keep an eye on any suspicious situations or people.
    • Inform and seek assistance from other church leaders or from local authorities as needed in suspicious or potentially dangerous situations.
    • Direct the flow of traffic on and off property.