Ministry Description

Here at The Brook, we’re the first smiling faces that you see! We are the ministry that directs traffic and parks cars for all our members and visitors. We need you! If you’re friendly, patient, yet assertive, then look no further. Join The Brook Parking Lot Team.

  • Spiritual Gifts – Serving
  • Talents/Abilities – Physically able to direct and assist with traffic flow in any weather condition; enjoy working outside; able to present a positive image and assist the disabled with parking and church entry.
  • Best Personality Trait – Dependable, hospitable, even-tempered
  • Passions – Serving and welcoming others
  • Length of Service Commitment – One year minimum
  • Anticipated Time Commitments
    • Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: Two hours a week; more during special events
    • Participating in meetings/training: As needed
  • Responsibilities/Duties
    • Direct traffic and parking when crowds and traffic congestion warrants it.
    • Greet visitors in the parking lot and direct them to the appropriate entrance.
    • Assist the elderly and disabled with church entry as needed.
    • Offer to provide an umbrella escort for elderly, disabled and visitors if it is raining.