Ministry Description

The online chat moderators serve as the first touch of The Brook’s virtual and social media platforms. We are the greeters, monitors, and engagement boosters of the online worship experience. Chat moderators welcome, inform, and encourage online congregants taking the limits off our church’s impact and reach.

  • Spiritual Gifts – Serving
  • Talents/Abilities – Computer/laptop literate, strong communicator, good typing skills
  • Best Personality Trait – Punctual, attentive
  • Passions – Online engagement & community, Online ministry
  • Length of Service Commitment – One year minimum
  • Anticipated Time Commitments
    • Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: Two to three hours a week; possibly more during special events
    • Participating in meetings/training: Minimal, as requested
  • Responsibilities/Duties
    • Sign into designated online service platforms.
    • Welcome visitor and congregants into service.
    • Guide online congregants according to a pre-approved service script.