Ministry Description

Welcome to the First Time Guest Caller Team where we minister with a kind voice and a personal touch. The members of our team reach out to our in-person and virtual first-time guests by phone. This small gesture speaks volumes to visitors who may be looking for a church home or just a bit of love and appreciation. If you love to engage in friendly conversation to brighten someone’s day, look no further. Come join the First Time Guest Caller Team!

  • Spiritual Gifts – Serving
  • Talents or Abilities – Knowledge of church culture, events, and website for point of reference.
  • Best Personality Traits – Dependable-leader, dependable- expresser, hospitable, gracious
  • Passion For – Serving and welcoming others
  • Length of Service Commitment – One year minimum
  • Anticipated Time Commitments
    • Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: One hour a week
    • Participating in meetings/training: Minimal, as needed
  • Responsibilities/Duties
    • Call all guest from weekly call list generated by information entered in system by First Time Guest Check-in team.
    • After completing call lists, provide report that includes the number of calls made, voicemails left, or text messages sent. This detailed report should also include all comments from the guest’s worship experience. The report is to be submitted to ministry lead each Wednesday.