Code of Conduct

Volunteer Code of Conduct

As a Brook volunteer, you are a representative of God and your church family. Your actions reflect both on you and on The Brook. The Volunteer Code of Conduct aims to clearly communicate the required standards of behavior while volunteering with The Brook. Having this code of conduct protects you as a volunteer and safeguards The Brook and its ministries.

At anytime, use the Voice of Experience Feedback Form linked below for your voice to be heard. This includes violations or concerns around the Code of Conduct.

Attendance & Punctuality

Be dependable and punctual. The Brook depends on you to arrive on time for your scheduled volunteer shift. We ask that if you know you will be late or absent, please inform your Team or Ministry Lead as soon as possible.


Be a person of good character, operating with integrity and living authentically.


During the course of your duties, you will likely have access to, deal with, or become aware of confidential information and circumstances surrounding those we serve. This information must be kept strictly confidential. Any breach of confidentiality will result in disciplinary action.

Any sensitive information that reveals a possible threat to the member(s) safety or that would adversely affect The Brook’s good reputation needs to be shared with our pastors and is not considered a breach of confidentiality.

Dress Code

It is important that volunteers dress appropriately for their volunteer role so that they can fulfill their volunteer duty safely and comfortably. We ask that you refrain from wearing clothing that displays obscene language or offensive material while representing The Brook. More specific dress code requirements may be further defined by your team or lead.

Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco Use

Volunteer activities must be conducted free from the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs. In addition, these substances may not be possessed or distributed on Brook premises.

Use of tobacco, vape pens, or e-cigarettes in The Brook offices, on The Brook premises, in vehicles, at The Brook events and functions, and while representing The Brook at any time or function is prohibited.

Marijuana/Cannabis Use

While medical and recreational marijuana use is legal in certain areas of the United States, federal and state laws indicate that The Brook has no obligation to accommodate cannabis use in our offices or at our events. Under the Drug-Free Workplace Act, employers must prohibit in the workplace the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of controlled substances, including marijuana that is otherwise lawful under state law.

A volunteer cannot report to the premises/workplace impaired, nor should a volunteer smell of marijuana on The Brook premises/workplace, which consists of all property and facilities owned, leased, or rented by The Brook, including grounds, buildings, vehicles, and any other equipment, and any site where a volunteer performs work.

If the volunteer’s personal vehicle is parked within an area defined as the premises/workplace, the rules governing a drug free workplace apply. If a volunteer parks in a private lot not under the control of The Brook, the volunteer is subject to any applicable restrictions of the property owner and the laws applicable to marijuana in vehicles.

If you witness any violation of the Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco Use policy, you are required to notify your Ministry or Team Lead or the Chief Ministry Officer immediately. If you engage in any of these behaviors, you will receive prompt disciplinary action and/or termination of volunteer position.

Good Stewardship

Volunteers must exhibit good judgment and manage reasonable risks by following standard operating procedures and protocols established in volunteer training. Use reasonable care to protect and safeguard The Brook’s assets. “Reasonable care” can be fully defined as the degree of caution and concern for the safety of himself/herself and others an ordinarily prudent and rational person would use in the circumstances.

Stealing, misappropriation or diversion of The Brook’s funds, property, or other assets for personal benefit is not permitted.

Racism, Harassment & Bullying

The Brook has a zero-tolerance policy for racism, discrimination, sexual harassment, and bullying of any kind.


Statements meant to humiliate a person publicly or individually; the use of racial slurs or “jokes”; or harassment due to a person’s race, color, culture, or natural origin is strictly prohibited.

Sexual Harassment

Offensive physical actions such as lewd gestures; sexually explicit communication that is either written or spoken; sexual “jokes”; any unwelcome physical contact with other volunteers, staff, or congregants; or any unwanted sexual attention is strictly prohibited. At no time may volunteers engage in sexual activity, conversations, and/or electronic communication with a child/minor (a person under the age of 18 regardless of the legal age of consent).


Bullying may rise to the level of harassment and is therefore prohibited. Bullying is defined as unwelcome or unreasonable behavior that demeans, intimidates, or humiliates people, either as individuals or as a group. Bullying behavior is often persistent and part of a pattern, but it can also occur as a single incident. Some examples of bullying behavior include but are not limited to abusive and offensive language, insults, teasing, and spreading rumors. It can also include a manipulation of the work environment or psychological manipulation.

If you witness any violation of the Racism, Harassment & Bullying policy, you are required to notify your Ministry or Team Lead or the Chief Ministry Officer immediately. If you engage in any of these behaviors, you will receive prompt disciplinary action and/or termination of volunteer position.