Welcome to Brook Brothers Discipleship Program

The Brook Brothers Discipleship Program is a transformative 12-part discipleship program designed to empower and equip the men of The Brook to embody and model the biblical example of a Godly man. This comprehensive program covers various personal and spiritual development aspects, ensuring holistic growth. Each session includes key scriptures, study focuses, and discussion questions to foster growth and accountability. Participants are required to maintain consistent attendance, with a maximum of two allowable absences, to qualify for graduation and participate in the prestigious Brook Brothers Induction Ceremony.


To empower and equip the men of the Brook to become and model the biblical example of a Godly man through holistic development.


The Brook Brothers Discipleship Program will be meeting for twelve weeks straight, starting on Thursday, August 8, 2024. We'll get together every Thursday at 7:00 PM.

Classes will be conducted in person with an online option. Detailed information will be provided upon registration.

Deadline to Register

The deadline to register for Brook Brothers Discipleship Program is July 28, 2024.

Our 12-Part Discipleship Program

Session 1: Man of God
Study Focus: Understanding the call to be a man of God.

Session 2: Man of Discretion
Study Focus: Exercising wisdom and discretion in all areas of life.

Session 3: Man of Vision
Study Focus: Developing and casting a Godly vision for life.

Session 4: Man of Strategy
Study Focus: Planning and executing Godly strategies.

Session 5: Man of Wisdom
Study Focus: Seeking and applying Godly wisdom.

Session 6: Man of Prayer
Study Focus: Developing a consistent prayer life.

Session 7: Man of Fasting
Study Focus: Understanding the power and purpose of fasting.

Session 8: Man of Consecration
Study Focus: Living a life set apart for God.

Session 9: Man of the Word
Study Focus: Studying and applying God’s Word.

Session 10: Man of Discipline
Study Focus: Cultivating self-discipline and perseverance.

Session 11: Man of Service
Study Focus: Embracing a servant’s heart and serving others.

Session 12: Man of Accountability
Study Focus: Building and maintaining accountability relationships.

Graduation Requirements

- Attendance at a minimum of 10 out of 12 sessions.
- Participation in group discussions and activities.
- Completion of assigned readings or projects.

Induction Ceremony

- Formal recognition of graduates.
- Presentation of certificates and pins.
- Testimonies and celebration of the journey.

